Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Preside with the heart(courteous)

A leader is not someone who has a huge of knowledge, a batch of big position, a mountain of treasure, a high level of education and a great diplomacy. But he's/she's *only a person who can manage and actuate her/his conscience to be sensitive.

*only, means something simple, that everyone can be a leader.

Feeling with the heart for all that moving on, existential and the change of his/her environment.

Say a simple hello like 'how is today?', 'how is your job?', or 'how is your family?'. Or you can also do a simple way...just give them your smile..:).

Always try to be a part of them without saying 'I am a Boss'. Come to their social community before they come to us. Take care of your silaturahim/kinship. Proactive when there is a problem that we can solve together.

From some good point above, we try to develop a good trust. Made them not only your counterpart, but ask them as a leader based on their portion. Innovates them that a leader is someone who gave an idea not only asked them to do something. Cool not scary. Said 'us' not 'me'. Showing what's wrong..not who is wrong. Know how is should be doing.. not how is should be done. Evoke respect..not claim respect. Said 'let's do it!!'.. not 'Hurry do it!!'.

In the business or social organization, we have to innovate that person who involved with is a leader. Everyone have to participate, initiatives, planning, actuate and 'touch' with the heart. Give them space to show how is their leadership, loose a little rein in our hands.

Without one person, others can do the job. Without dependence to someone, the organization still move on. With a good leadership character, responsibilities and attention for their organization, made the system and the work culture branch out.

When we start to make them a leader, then..we are a good leader, a leader with the heart, a leader with empathize.

by NAG


Mastropiero said...

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Anonymous said...


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